T H E  L A D I E S  A L M A N A C K is a feature-­length experimental narrative film written & directed by Daviel Shy, produced by Stephanie Acosta, based on the novel of the same title by Djuna Barnes.

A kaleidoscopic tribute to women’s writing through the friendships, jealousies, flirtations and publishing woes of authors and artists in 1920’s Paris. 

Arranged month-by-month like almanac the story is told by three narrators: Hélène Cixous, Luce Irigaray, and Monique Wittig. Seminal texts of these radical feminist writers were published in the 1970’s: the same decade The Ladies Almanack was reprinted for a public readership. Each character is a hybrid of the historically researched figure and the contemporary artist who portrays her; with the exception of one person, Hélène Cixous. She will be playing herself in the film and is therefore the sole character where the past catches the present in continuous being. 

Our objectives are both educational and utopic, purposed is to engage a meaningful dialogue with the dead as well as follow their examples by investing in the contemporary work of our peers.


It is official our WORLD PREMIERE is coming and is OFFICIAL SELECTION for OutfestLA and we could not have dreamed a better coming out! 

Festival tour continues with Florence, Italy next on the roster! Stay tuned for details to come!